2024 Consider Haiti Pumpkin Patch


Thanks again to the wonderful Grace Episcopal community for hosting the Pumpkin Patch, with all proceeds going to Consider Haiti. As most of you know, the Patch is our single biggest fundraiser of the year, and all proceeds go to our programs in Haiti – medical clinics, community health agents, clean water, and sustainable nutrition (think goats!)

What you need to know:

  • The pumpkins will be delivered on Sunday, September 29th at 1 pm. We need lots of help unloading. Click here to sign-up to help. Bring a friend or family member, a wheelbarrow, or a wagon and plan to work in teams of 2. We will provide water but no food, so please bring your own snacks, if needed.

  • Regular Pumpkin Patch Hours - Starting Monday, Sept. 30th you can visit the patch between the hours of 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. to purchase your pumpkins until supplies last. (Hint: usually we’re sold out by mid-October, so don’t wait too long to stop by.) All proceeds go towards our annual budget!
    Click here for directions to Grace Episcopal Church.

Want to help out at the Pumpkin Patch?

The pumpkin patch is 100% volunteer-supported and we still need lots of volunteers, so if you can pick up a shift or two!


image credit: www.Asheville.com

Get into the fall spirt & help a great cause at the same time!


A Huge Thank You To Grace Episcopal Church for their Continued Support!